A Parody on Patty Kanannah

Will yon meet in Gray?s-Inn-Jane?
Say Becky, dirty Becky,
In the mud and in the rain,
Dirty Becky, tell me.
When I?m there with my mud-cart,
To take some grub before we part,
And eat off a sheep?s heart,
Cinder-sifting Becky.

I can?t give you toast and tea,
No Becky, dirty Becky;
But some gin I?ll give to thee,
Dirty Becky, will you?
Say, it is not gin that?s prime and true,
A short pope and tobacco too,
Aren?t they a treat for me and you?
Cinder-sifting Becky.

What?s that I see o?er yon mud cot?
Say Becky, dirty Becky,
The Blue Lion, is it not?
Dirty Becky, tell me,
There?s the house, let?s make haste in,
They joy of life lies in good gin,
And to drink is no sin,
Cinder-sifting Becky.

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